Our business hours are 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.
You can contact us and/or access our services through:
Telephone: (08) 8115 3909
Mail to our Office: GPO Box 2706, Adelaide SA 5001
By Fax: (08) 8115 3908
By E-mail: SAFECOM.enquiries@eso.sa.gov.au
ABN: 95437863949
Emergency Contacts
In an emergency, always dial Triple Zero (000) for police, fire or ambulance.
- Is someone seriously injured or in need of urgent medical help?
- Is your life or property being threatened?
- Have you just witnessed a serious accident or crime?
If you answered YES call Triple Zero (000). Triple Zero calls are free.
When you call Triple Zero (000)
- Do you want Police, Fire or Ambulance?
- Stay calm, don't shout, speak slowly and clearly.
- Tell us exactly where to come. Give an address or location.
If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact
police, fire or ambulance through the National Relay Service:
- If you are a TTY user, dial 106.
- If your speech is hard to understand on the phone (but you can still use your own voice and can hear) and can use an ordinary handset, dial 1800 555 727 and then ask for 000 (triple zero).
- If you prefer to make your call using Auslan (Australian Sign Language) through video relay, choose the nrs.videorelay contact on Skype that is online and available. Click "Video Call" and then when connected give the relay officer the number 000 (triple zero).
National Relay Service contact for all other emergency contacts:
- If you are a TTY user, dial 133 677 and then when asked, type in the number of the emergency contact that you desire. For example, if you would like to contact the Bushfire Information Line, type in 1800 361 362.
- If your speech is hard to understand on the phone (but you can still use your own voice and can hear) and can use an ordinary handset, dial 1300 555 727 and then ask for number of the emergency contact that you desire.
- If you prefer to make your call using Auslan (Australian Sign Language) through video relay, choose the nrs.videorelay contact on Skype that is online and available. Click "Video Call" and then when connected give the relay officer the number of the emergency contact that you desire.
- - If you prefer to use SMS relay, send an SMS to the NRS on 0423 677 767. In this SMS, include the number of the emergency contact that you desire and a short message for the emergency contact.
