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CFS and SES Volunteer Charter

CFS and SES Volunteer Charters were developed to recognise the value of emergency service volunteers and specifically:

  • Reiterate the Government and the Emergency Services Sectors commitment to consulting and considering the views, needs and interests of CFS and SES volunteers.
  • Identify the key roles and responsibilities of the parties to the Charters.
  • Provide a framework for all parties to work in partnership with each other in the best interest of CFS and SES volunteers and South Australian community.

Follow the links for copies of the SES Volunteer Charter and CFS Volunteer Charter.

The SAFECOM Volunteer Referral and Consultation Policy builds upon the commitment agreed to in the CFS and SES Volunteer Charters requiring the Emergency Services Sector to ensure that consultation with volunteers about all matters which might be expected to affect them is conducted to consider their views when approving and adopting new practices and policies.