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Disaster Ready Fund (2024-2025)

Round 2 Disaster Ready Fund (DRF) applications are NOW CLOSED

The Australian Government is committed to reducing the physical, social, and economic impacts of disasters and ensuring that communities are in the best possible position to recover when disasters occur. To achieve this, the Australian Government is investing up to $200 million per financial year through the DRF over five years, from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2028 (up to $1 billion total). The DRF will deliver projects that build Australia’s resilience, improve preparedness, and reduce disaster risk. 

Key Documentation 

Key Dates

Monday 22 January 2024 DRF Applications open
Wednesday 20 March 2024 DRF Applications close. Proposals due to SAFECOM by 5pm (ACDT)
March - April 2024 SAFECOM review process
May - June 2024 NEMA application assessment
From July 2024 Announcements made
2024 - 2025 Funding available

Note: The above timeline is provided as a guide only and may be subject to change.

Eligible project activity types 

Stream One: Systemic risk reduction projects that build the long-term resilience of a community or communities in an area that is at risk of being affected (whether directly or indirectly) by a future natural hazard.

Stream 1 projects must fall into one or more of the following categories:

  1. Supporting a better understanding of risk, through a better evidence base to understand and raise awareness of risk – to improve understanding of natural hazards and their potential impacts over time (i.e., disaster risk assessments and frameworks); 
  2. Projects that deliver risk reduction plans at the community, regional and state levels to mitigate identified risks and impacts; 
  3. Strengthening representational and inclusive decision making by developing or improving governance networks and communities of practice, including the development and/or alignment of resilience and risk reduction strategies; 
  4. Adaptation projects that improve land use planning and development practice projects, including but not limited to updating land use planning instruments and building codes; 
  5. Projects, including social projects, that build the capacity and capability of businesses, community sector organisations and/or at-risk communities to improve their preparedness and resilience to the impacts of future natural hazards; and/or 
  6. Projects that enable and incentivise private investment in disaster risk reduction.

Stream Two: Infrastructure projects which are directed at achieving any or all the following:

  • Resilience to a future natural hazard that could affect an area (whether directly or indirectly). 
  • Preparedness for a future natural hazard that could affect an area (whether directly or indirectly); and 
  • Reduction of the risk of a future natural hazard that could affect an area (whether directly or indirectly). 

'Area' may include but is not limited to built/urban, agricultural, and natural environments or ecosystems.

Stream Two projects must fall into one or more of the following categories: 

  1. Investment in grey infrastructure. 
  2. Investment in green-blue infrastructure (including nature-based solutions). 
  3. Investment in social infrastructure. 
  4. Investment in natural hazard monitoring infrastructure; and/or 
  5. Development of business cases and/or feasibility studies for future infrastructure (including   investigation, modelling, concept, and detailed design activities).

Round 2 South Australian application process 

Individual agencies/organisations are unable to submit DRF applications directly to NEMA. All submissions must come through SAFECOM.

Only state and territory governments are eligible to apply for DRF funding via an overarching application to the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). SAFECOM as the South Australian (SA) lead agency will collate the application package on behalf of the State. 

While SAFECOM is the lead agency for all SA applications, project proposals will be accepted from state government, local government, non-government organisations, businesses, and community groups.

Submissions to be sent to:


Applicants must contribute at least 50% of eligible project expenditure towards each project. Co-contribution costs include, but are not limited to:

  • A direct (cash) funding contribution provided at the time of project commencement.
  • Funds the applicant has already invested in a program or project on or any time after 1 July 2020, and only where the Australian Government’s contribution from the DRF is expected to extend or enhance that program or project subject to alignment with DRF Objectives;
  • Any costs associated with the applicant’s delivery of the project, for example construction or project delivery; and 
  • Other in-kind costs, such as wages directly attributable to the delivery of the project, and/or supplies, materials and specific equipment required to execute the project.

Further Information

SAFECOM hosted a DRF Applicant webinar on Tuesday 6 February 2024. This webinar provided an outline of the SA application process, together with tips and guidance for a competitive grant application.

For a copy of the webinar recording, please contact

Need more information about the application process or DRF more broadly? Contact the SAFECOM Grants Team on (08) 8115 3926 or at

In June 2023, the Commonwealth announced 23 SA projects funded under the DRF Round 1. A list of the SA funded projects can be found on the National Management Agency (NEMA) website.