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Disaster Ready Fund 2025/2026

Round 3 Disaster Ready Fund (DRF) is open!

The Australian Government is committed to reducing the physical, social, and economic impacts of disasters and ensuring that communities are in the best possible position to recover when disasters occur. To achieve this, the Australian Government is investing up to $200 million per financial year through the DRF over five years, from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2028 (up to $1 billion total). The DRF will deliver projects that build Australia’s resilience, improve preparedness, and reduce disaster risk.

Available funding for Round 3 has been divided into two streams:

Project Stream Funding Allocation Project Activity

Up to $138 million (minimum total project value $500K)

Includes the following infrastructure types:

  • Grey infrastructure
  • Green-blue infrastructure (including nature-based solutions)
  • Social infrastructure
  • Natural hazard monitoring infrastructure

Up to $59 million (no minimum total project value)

Non-infrastructure projects
The remaining up to $3 million will be allocated to provide administrative support for Lead Agencies (unchanged from DRF Round 2).


Key Dates

Wednesday 22 January 2025 DRF Round 3 Applications Open
Wednesday 2 April 2025 DRF Round 3 Applications close. Proposals due to SAFECOM by 5pm (ACDT)
April - May 2025 Initial rating and ranking of project proposals by Lead Agencies
May - August 2025 Assessment of applications by the Australian Government
From September 2025 Outcome announcements
Late 2025-early 2026 Schedules signed and funding delivered to Lead Agencies
Note: The above timeline is provided as a guide only and may be subject to change. While every care will be taken to expedite the time from announcement to payment, Applicants should be aware that they may not receive funding for several months or more after announcement.


Key Documents

Disaster Ready Fund Guidelines Round 3 (2025-26)

Application How to Guide

Indicative Budget Template (The Indicative Budget Template is to be uploaded as an Optional Additional Attachment)


Guidance documents for preparing a Cost Benefit Analysis (infrastructure projects)

Cost Benefit Analysis Guidance Note (Office of Impact Analysis)

Guide to Economic Appraisal (Infrastructure Australia)


Round 3 South Australian Application Process

Individual agencies/organisations are unable to submit DRF applications directly to NEMA. All submissions must come through SAFECOM.

Only state and territory governments are eligible to apply for DRF funding via an overarching application to the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). SAFECOM as the South Australian (SA) lead agency will collate the application package on behalf of the State.

To ensure that only the most competitive applications are considered by the Australian Government’s Assessment Panel, the number of applications that each lead agency may submit to NEMA has been capped in Round 3. The total number of applications that can be submitted from SA in Round 3 is 50.

Project proposals will be accepted from state government, local government, First Nations owned or led organisations, non-government organisations, not-for-profit entities, social enterprise, universities, businesses, and community groups.

SAFCEOM will only accept Round 3 project proposals via the Optible AI platform. A brief overview on how to navigate the platform will be given as part of the first webinar on Wednesday 29 January.


Optible Help Guide


Applicants (and delivery partners) are required to contribute towards each project. Co-contribution requirements for DRF Round 3 are:

Co-Contribution Category Commonwealth funding towards eligible project costs Minimum co-contribution towards eligible project costs

First Nations organisations as defined in the Guidelines Glossary

Local councils located in ‘very remote’ and ‘remote’ locations per the Australian bureau of Statistics’ Remoteness Structure. Refer Appendix A in the Guidelines
Up to 90% of eligible project costs At least 10% of eligible project costs

Other ‘low-rate-based’ councils, determined using the ration of Financial Assistance Grant to Net Rate Income, listed in Appendix B of the Guidelines

Not-for-profit organisations as defined in the Guidelines Glossary
Up to 80% of eligible project costs At least 20% of eligible project costs

All other applicants

Up to 50% of eligible project costs At least 50% of eligible project costs


Eligibility for each co-contribution category will be determined based on the Applicant type nominated in the application form, irrespective of any partners, and must be supported by evidence.

Further information on co-contributions can be found in Section 3.1.2 of the DRF Round 3 Guidelines 

Support for South Australian Applicants

SAFECOM is providing a series of webinars, along with the opportunity for applicants to book a dedicated 1:1 session with a member of our grants team to guide applicants through the submission process.

Webinar Date/Time Booking Link
Webinar 1: Guidelines, Eligibility & intro to Optible grants platform Wednesday 29 January, 10:30am -11:30am



Webinar 2: Addressing the selection criteria Wednesday 5 February, 10:30am -11:30am



Webinar 3: Budgets
Wednesday 12 February, 10:30am -11:30am



Webinar 4: Support Materials
Wednesday 19 February, 10:30am -11:30am



Each 1-hour webinar will cover general information on minimum requirements along with the opportunity to ask questions and tips on what makes a strong application. Links to webinar recordings will be added to this page following each session. 

Need more information about the application process or DRF more broadly? Contact the SAFECOM Grants Team on (08) 8115 3926 or at

Useful Templates

Delivery Partner Letter of Support Template

Lead Agency Confirmation Letter Template (for National and Multi-jurisdictional projects)

Optible Help Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

This section is designed to provide you with quick and easy answers to the most common questions in relation to DRF Round 3.  

All applicants should read the DRF Round 3 Guidelines in conjunction with the information provided here and seek further clarification where required.  

Further FAQ's can also be accessed via the NEMA website.


When can I start my project?
What is the DRF?
What are the Investment Principles
What are the Program Objectives?
When will Applications Open for Round 3?
When will Applications Close for Round 3?
Where can I find the guidelines?
Who can apply?
Can I apply for a project that is multi-jurisdictional or isn't based in SA?
What co-contributions are required in Round 3?
How much can I apply for?
Has the allocation of funding for Round 3 been pre-determined for specific eligible activities?
What kinds of projects are funded by the DRF?
What are the Eligible Hazard types for Round 3?
What is the Optible AI Platform?
Can I be named as a delivery partner on more than one application?
Can I submit my application via Email?